1711 State Highway 4, Mapiu, Waitomo
price TBC
327.29 ha

Retiring farmers - genuine sale
327 ha on a sealed road 29 km south of Te Kuiti. This property offers an even balance of contour allowing for a variety of farming practices and diversity in stocking options. The 270 ha of effective grazeable area includes approximately 100 ha of cropable/mowable contour, with the balance being medium to steeper hill. Infrastructure includes a 4-bedroom main dwelling, 4 stand wool shed, sheep and cattle yards, 2 haybarns and a 5 bay implement shed. Fenced into approximately 40 paddocks with water being either natural or reticulated from a spring supply which is pumped via a solar pump to a manacon, then gravity fed to troughs. Stock numbers normally wintered include: 69 R1 Cattle, 24 R2 Cattle, 840 MA Ewes, 290 Hoggets and 14 rams. Motorbike and helmet required for open days.
1711 State Highway 4, Mapiu, Waitomo
Web ID
Land area
327.29 ha
District rates
Regional rates
price TBC
View by appointment