Chatmos Road, Winslow, Ashburton
price TBC
60.7 ha

60.7ha Dairy grazing/finishing block
Currently wintering part of the Vendors herd, the property will be made available for later spring sowings. Approximately 20 hectares in short rotation ryegrass and the balance will be cultivated for sowing after winter feed crops are fed off. The property was previously farmed in conjunction with other land. It now has its own Land Use Consent from 7th April 2021 to 30th September 2029. N baseline approved at 41kg N/ha/year using Overseer Version 6.3.5. Great opportunity to secure your feeding program going forward- enquire now!!
Chatmos Road, Winslow, Ashburton
Web ID
Land area
60.7 ha
District rates
Regional rates