Getting your home photo ready


Showcasing your home to potential buyers can make or break a sale.

Catch the eye of potential buyers by ticking these jobs off the list before your photographer arrives.

Depersonalising your house will give buyers the chance to visualise living in the home and where they can inject their unique style. Remove family photos and replace these with simple yet inviting landscape images so the space doesn’t appear too sterile. Remove posters from walls and tuck away all clothing items.

Declutter your house to make it appear more spacious and visually appealing. Store away video games, DVD’s and books, and be sure to check photos, school certificates, shopping lists and magnets are removed from your fridge door. It’s also a good idea to store away appliances in the kitchen to emphasise the bench space available. Don’t forget to empty rubbish bins and store them out of sight from the lens. You may choose to remove anything you won’t use for a while and store these in a secure storage container - this can also be a great opportunity to prepare yourself to move out.

Replace any lightbulbs which have blown and check the lighting is the same shade throughout your house, and open curtains and blinds – natural light is always a winner. White lighting is the most flattering in photos, making the space look bright and crisp.

Make all the beds! This is no time for a quick pull up job. Make the beds neatly with matching linen and fluffed pillows. Add a throw and display pillow for an inviting touch. While you’re at it, make sure your walk-in wardrobe is looking neat and tidy.

Hang fresh towels and hand towels on your bathroom rails, and be sure to fold and place them neatly. Personal grooming items should be tucked away. This includes toothbrushes, hairbrushes and items in the shower. Close the toilet lid and pop a full roll of toilet paper on the holder.

Tuck away children’s items including toys, action figures, high chairs, booster seats and prams. Sometimes less is more, when preparing a child’s room for real estate photography, as some potential buyers will struggle to look past lots of ‘stuff’ cluttering the photo.

Store away your pet items. While your fluffy companions bring so much joy, their toys, beds, litter trays and bowls don’t bring the same joy to potential buyers. Be sure to use a lint roller on furniture to pick up any pesky fur and pop pets outside for the duration of the photography.

Move your car out of the garage or carport and onto the road, so it cannot be seen in photos. Remember these photos are to showcase your property, not your vehicles, plus you want your garage or carport to appear spacious.

Give your house a spring clean. A clean from top to bottom is probably the most tedious task, but clean everything, everywhere. Skirting boards, window sills, windows and carpets which can store built up odour. A spring clean is best done ahead of time and will make your preparation on photoshoot day a lot less stressful. 

Mow lawns, weed your gardens, and be sure to take your washing off the line. If street appeal is captured, it creates a great first impression! It’s always a great idea to lay a new door mat – because first impressions always count. Add the final touches with a vase of flowers on the kitchen bench and stock up the fruit bowl with seasonal goodies. By providing a tidy, photo-friendly house, buyer will have an honest idea about what they’re in for and your listing will capture their attention.



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