2 Kids, 32 Properties, Before 40

Friday, 24 May 2024

From strife to strategy

Smart investors leverage expertise. By adding someones 16 years to your 0, you gain 16 immediately. As firm believer in learning from people who have demonstrated the success you want, Ilse Wolfe has developed a comprehensive blueprint for property investment success. Her journey, which began with just $5000 and a single property in Hamilton, showcases the power of strategic thinking and unwavering determination. Now, with a $20 million portfolio and extensive experience, Ilse is sharing her secrets to help others achieve similar success.

Transforming challenges into opportunities

The renowned BRRRR (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat) coaching program is at the heart of this success. By leveraging proven tactics from global investors, Ilse offers adaptable insights and innovative strategies that can revolutionise property investment across New Zealand. Her educational approach highlights the benefits of adding value to properties while also cautioning against common pitfalls.

Achieving high returns

Specialising in creating 8% gross returns on stand-alone rentals and 10%+ returns on blocks of units, Ilse has helped numerous investors achieve impressive returns. Her track record includes hundreds of successful renovations with her clients. The new Boardroom coaching service has already demonstrated remarkable results, transforming $16 million of initial property purchases into over $25 million in under six months.

The serviceability trap

Holding onto her first property through a terrible market, Ilse saved and plotted her next project, buying with a renovation strategy in mind to immediately add value. With a modest renovation budget and DIY skills, she was able to lift her next property’s value enough to refinance and create a deposit for the next purchase.

This approach helped Ilse acquire five properties before her broker told her, “you can’t afford any more lending.” Her renovations had built the equity required to buy again, but her ability to service additional debt was completely tapped out. This was when Ilse learned that capital gains alone would not pay her bills.

A new strategy

A firm believer in self-education and learning from those who have gone before, Ilse invested in a property coaching program. However, the service was a “one size fits all” approach with no focus on rent or cashflow. After buying three inner Auckland properties in six months, she found herself topping up these mortgages by $60k annually. With a new baby and a single income, Ilse and her husband Taylor were in real strife.

On paper, they had built wealth, but Taylor’s salary was going straight back to the bank. Thankfully, they were able to move in with the in-laws, tighten their belts, and start planning. Ilse swore she would never get into that situation again, leading to the birth of a new strategy: Cashflow Hacking.

Build a life-changing portfolio

Cashflow Hacking™ was born as the culmination of blood, sweat, tears, and tough lessons, and laid the foundation for stunning success. After seeing the pitfalls of not knowing the exact numbers of a project, Ilse became incredibly methodical when evaluating and completing renovations.

Over time, she developed a mental checklist of the things needed to add significant value to a renovation, which later became her six Cashflow Hacking principles. Think of the BRRRR method using renovations but focused on rent improvement that increases the property's value.

With these principles, Ilse developed a structure to understand the post-renovation results of a project before purchasing it. By doing this, she would evaluate dozens of deals until finding those that would create significant equity gains and maximise gross yield/cashflow. This approach allowed her to escape the Serviceability Trap and build a life-changing portfolio.

Practical examples for investors

Whether you're a novice starting your first rental project or a seasoned investor ready to dive into the multi-unit market, the practical examples provided are designed for replication. This hands-on approach ensures that investors can follow the blueprint and achieve their own property investment goals.

Your gateway to invaluable insights and tailored advice!

Book a complimentary 15-minute consultation with Ilse Wolfe. As a seasoned expert in real estate, Ilse brings knowledge and personalised strategies to help you confidently navigate the market. Whether you're buying, selling, or simply exploring your options, this free session is your gateway to invaluable insights and tailored advice.

About the author: Founder of Wolfe Property Coaching in New Zealand, Ilse Wolfe's story is one of incredible perseverance, smart strategies, and unwavering determination. Today, Ilse boasts a $20 million portfolio and a wealth of knowledge gained from her experiences. For ongoing tips and insights, tune into Rinse and Repeat. This monthly podcast features global real estate experts and delivers short, exciting episodes aimed at transforming the way Kiwi investors approach property. Contact Ilse on 021 848 280 or visit: www.wolfeproperty.co.nz



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