231 Winton Lorneville Highway, Thomsons Crossing, Southland
price TBC
65.04 ha

Winton sheep farm for lease
The Winton A & P Association are offering for Lease by way of 'Short Term Tender' their 65 hectare property located on the Winton Lorneville Highway, 4km South of the Winton township. The property is very well set up with some internal lanes, established stock shelter, quality pastures and reticulated water system. Infrastructure includes a three stand raised board wool shed and covered yards (650 woollies), toilet facilities, haybarn, large workshop/storage shed and multiple older sheds along with a three bedroom family home with modernised kitchen and open plan living. Allowable utilisation is sheep breeding and finishing, cereals and limited cattle grazing. The approximately 850 MA ewes are available for sale. Lease options; 1. Total property with rental of home 2. Farm only. Tender closing, 4pm, 1st August 2022. Commencement date of lease - 15th August 2022.
231 Winton Lorneville Highway, Thomsons Crossing, Southland
Web ID
Land area
65.04 ha
District rates
Regional rates
price TBC
View by appointment