Handy tips for the mind and body to help make your isolation more comfortable!


Isolation has seen us all spending lots of time at home in our bubbles. Being isolated also makes it easier to fall into bad habits.

While isolation is certainly necessary to help fight the outbreak, and flatten the infamous curve, there are certain health risks associated with being in lockdown 24/7. Ranging from anger and anxiety to depression, sleep disturbances, and PTSD, the consequences of self-isolation can be detrimental, so it's imperative to take precautionary measures in order to prevent yourself from spiraling down into feelings of helplessness and panic. Here we have a few things listed that you can do to keep yourself sane and healthy during quarantine.

It's important to keep your mind busy

  • Now that you have some spare time, why not get creative and distract yourself from the craziness of the world for a while! Be proactive and schedule some time to enjoy a hobby, or spend some time learning a new skill.
  • Stay connected, it is important to note though that too much time on your phone can contribute to anxiety.It's important to clear your mind; you can do this by creating specific breaks during the day. This is when you need to turn your phone off and go for a walk.
  • Don't completely do away with technology - Apps like Skype, Facetime, Zoom and Whatsapp make it easy to stay connected with friends and family, they will appreciate you checking in on them.
  • Develop a new routine - be sure to break up your day and move around the house, whether this is working, reading or practising a hobby in different rooms, moving around will give you a fresh perspective.
  • Try your hand at growing some plants while you have some spare time!
  • Learn to breathe better - Science has shown that breathing in and out slowly five to six times a minute is known to balance the nervous system. A good start is to stand with your feet (hip-width) apart, and breathe through your nose slowly for a count of five, and then out again through your mouth. Focus on using your chest and not your tummy to draw in air.

Keeping your body healthy

Your physical ­wellbeing is paramount. Being stuck at home can see your diet suffering, and many will find themselves more sedentary than usual. Here are some suggestions to help to keep your body healthy.

  • You’ve heard it your whole life long, there is nothing better for quenching a thirst than a large, cold glass of water! Water makes up a large portion of the human body. We need to replenish the water we use while breathing, perspiring, eating, thinking and in general – living! Drink at least eight 8 glasses of water daily.
  • Vitamin C - The reason this key antioxidant is so popular is that it turbo-boosts the immune system. You can find Vitamin C in raw apples, carrots and peppers, these are packed with antioxidants and fibre, all of which work together to strengthen your defences. Other foods which are rich in Vitamin C include lemons, broccoli, oranges, frozen peas and berries.
  • Zinc - Everyone keeps talking about the importance of zinc, the reason why is because zinc deficiencies see you being more susceptible to disease and illness. Zinc also helps to maintain your body's ability to create new cells and enzymes as well as process fat, carbohydrates, and protein in food, and also increase the speed of healing wounds. Zinc is also helpful to prevent viruses and colds and also minimises allergy and hayfever symptoms. Zinc-rich foods include shellfish, red meat, and eggs, as well as whole grains, nuts and pulses.
  • Ginger - Ginger is a warming antioxidant helps that helps to fight off cold and flu symptoms and combats nausea. Ginger is full of zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium, and it is also great for your gut. Ginger also stimulates defensive responses in the upper respiratory and digestive mucosa; this helps the body to fend off infections. Ginger is great for viral and bacterial infections such as flu, colds, chest infections and sore throats.

Indoor exercises

It's essential to keep moving. Here are a series of simple and quick exercises that can be done to strengthen important muscles, and which will help to improve cardiovascular fitness.

  • Planking: Get started by getting yourself into a press-up position (on your elbows rather than your hands) and then lift your body off of the floor so that your feet and elbows support your whole body. Try to straighten your core as much as possible, so that your body is flat.
  • Step up's: Stand yourself in front of stairs/a raised platform, step on and off again at a steady pace. Alternate your leading leg so that both legs get an equal amount of work.
  • Lunges: Keeping your feet (about shoulder-width) apart, step forward with one leg and keep the majority of your weight on your flat front foot. Focus on lowering your hips to the ground, and with your back heel lifted keep your back straight. Lower your rear knee until it almost touches the floor. Push back to the starting position with your front foot, and now repeat the move with your other leg.
  • Crunches: Lie flat on your back on the floor, bend your knees keeping your feet flat. Raise your arms, placing your fingers on each side of your forehead, slowly lift your head and upper back off of the ground. It's important that you keep your lower back flat against the floor. This can be repeated for a set number of reps.
  • Dips: Place your hands onto the edge of a sturdy chair. Keep your feet flat on the floor and bend your knees. Lower your body as far as you possibly can towards the floor, then push back up to the start position.

A healthy body with a healthy mind is key to a much happier life for everyone. As a company, we encourage each other, and those in our bubbles, to stay healthy and active. We hope that our tips help you too!



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